First is was Leah's birthday on April 12th. We actually celebrated on April 11th since I left the next morning for my girl's trip. She LOVED her pink cake with sprinkles. She is all girl, she loves anything pink or purple, babies, dancing dresses and picking my flowers in the garden. Cute 2-year-old!

Bowen got this Jazz jersey from Seth and he has worn it nearly everyday since!
Bowen had his first "friend" birthday party. And it went well considering there were a dozen 3, 4 and 5-year-olds running around. I invited his church class and neighbors. It was a beach themed birthday. First the kids decorated buckets with foam stickers and glitter glue, then then dug for "treasure" (toys) in a pool full of sand. Next they played in a little pool full of water (it was 80 degrees so it was just right). Then they raced while wearing snorkel fins and goggles. It was pretty hilarious! Bowen kept his flippers on the during the rest of the party. He was having so much fun! Wish I had pictures of everything, but I was a little distracted with so many kids there.
Finally Bowen opened his gifts then ate his surfboard cake. I thought it was an okay attempt. I'm no cake expert, but it had an ice cream layer in it, so it tasted pretty good.
I asked Bowen if he can just stay 3 forever, but he said he has to turn 4, then he will be 5, then 10. He's still getting the counting thing down.
My kids are so fun lately, I really love this phase of life!