Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dirt Mustache

Bowen played outside today while I worked in the garden. I lost track of him for a while and next thing I knew he was eating a rock that he found in the mud. He loved playing outside. I look forward to many more sunny days in the garden.


Mis Awsum said...

awww! bowen is so cute! i love babies their so cute and chubby! but right now i think bowen is the best.

Rachel Doyle said...

I agree - I love being outside with my babies when it's sunny and warm - they are so happy!

chelsea mckell said...

I've read that children who eat dirt end up being healthier than those who don't. Something about building immunity... Looks like Bowen will be quite protected! :)

Aubrey said...

oh my gosh he is getting SO BIG! as soon as this semester is over let's get together again!

Daniel & Shandi said...

what a funny kid!

Anonymous said...

Fun times ahead for the summer!
It was good to see you guys the other night.

Kelly said...

you've got a little man on your hands. he's so big!