This video show what Bowen sounds like and I wanted to try out my new camera!
We had a wonderful Christmas! I hope all of you did to! On Christmas Eve we ate dinner (shrimp and crab) at Seth's parent's house! We should make that a yearly tradition! (I seem to be putting ! after every sentence. I'll try to calm down). We also read the Christmas story in the Bible, and Bowen actually sat still. Then we went home, and Bowen had a "long winter's nap". He slept until 9:15 Christmas morning. Leah was very patient to wait for him to wake up, haha. So we finally woke up Bowen to see what Santa had brought him. Seth keeps saying, "Bowen, I'm Santa." I don't think Bowen really gets it yet, but he was sure excited to see his choo-choo-train Christmas morning. He loved everything (most of is presents had wheels).
Leah took a nap while we let Bowen watch "Cars" and then we headed over for more food and fun with Seth's family. Bowen got to play with Zoriaha, Cyus and Trajen. And Leah and baby Audrey spent some time together too. It was so fun to be with family and enjoy this special (my favorite) holiday. (I am already sad that it's over, I think the week after Christmas is the most depressing week of the year).